The purpose of the School Committee is to assist the Principal in the efficient running of the School.
It is also a forum for the formation of policy and for discussion of matters relating to Catholic Education and the School.
The President: The Parish Administrator
Chief Executive Officer: Principal
Parent/Parish Representatives: Seven elected members
Teacher Representative: One member elected by Staff
Membership of the School Committee is for a two‑year term of office. A period of one year must elapse before a person is eligible for re‑election to the School Committee.
The School Committee deals with the affairs of the School. Sub‑committees are formed when required to work on particular projects. Other members from the parent community may be approached to contribute to such projects.
The Sub‑committees may be formed in the following areas:
- Policy and Planning.
- Building and Maintenance Planning.
- Special Tasks.
- Finance.
Any parent wishing to raise a matter at this meeting must put it in writing addressed to the Chairperson of the School Committee.
The School Committee meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm in the Administration Building Meeting Room.